
10.18.21 - 可靠的网赌平台教员 & 工作人员2022年春季COVID-19疫苗接种和退出报告要求


致:路易斯安那州立大学教职员 & 工作人员



路易斯安那州立大学将开始要求所有学生接种COVID-19疫苗, 2022年春季学期的教职员工. We have already communicated separately to students and now we’d like to provide employees with additional details.

从今天开始,员工可以通过您的 http://my.yogangel.com/ 门户网站或完成疫苗住宿豁免请求. 一旦您登录,这将位于页面的右上角.  The deadline for employees to submit proof of full vaccination or an exemption form is January 1, 2022. 不遵守规定的员工将受到纪律处分.

填写豁免表的员工必须定期进行COVID-19检测. 稍后将提供有关该测试过程的更多信息.

即使你已经完成了路易斯安那州立大学去年春天发起的疫苗报告调查, 你仍然必须提供你的疫苗接种证明 http://my.yogangel.com/ 门户网站.

虽然辉瑞公司的疫苗得到了FDA的全面批准,但Moderna和Johnson & 约翰逊疫苗也符合可靠的网赌平台的疫苗要求. 如果你只服用了第一剂辉瑞或莫德那, 记得用你开始接种的同一品牌的疫苗来完成你的疫苗系列.

可靠的网赌平台健康中心仍在校园免费提供疫苗. 如果你想接种疫苗,我们建议你打电话预约. 另外, the Louisiana National Guard will be conducting a vaccine clinic on October 19th 和20th 在校园, along with representatives for the Shot for $100 program that Governor Edwards recently expanded to all individuals.  可靠的网赌平台健康中心也提供测试.

有关协议和COVID-19程序的更多信息,请访问 http://systematicness.yogangel.com/coronavirus

如果您对COVID-19疫苗要求有任何疑问或疑虑, 请联系Chad Gauthier, 安全 & 风险经理电话:(318)473-6489或 cgauthier@yogangel.com.





10.18.可靠的网赌平台学生- COVID-19疫苗接种要求



如前所述, 可靠的网赌平台 will add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of required immunizations required for on-campus students starting this spring.

Students must submit proof of vaccination or formally 选择退出 via the exemption/waiver form in your http://my.yogangel.com/ 门户网站. 一旦您登录,这将位于页面的右上角. 路易斯安那州法律允许学生选择不接种疫苗, 选择这条路线的人将被要求定期接受新冠病毒检测. 更多十大网赌平台常规测试的信息将很快发布. Students will need complete this process by uploading their vaccine card or 选择退出 prior to registering for the spring semester. 

一旦学生上传他们的疫苗接种卡或选择退出选项, there will be an approval process to verify before the “hold” is lifted so a student can process their registration. 我们预计这个过程不会花很长时间,但最好是 上传你的疫苗卡 or 选择退出 在10月10日开始注册之前. 老年人25元.

Those who have not yet been vaccinated can do so at the 可靠的网赌平台 Health Center located in Coughlin Hall.  另外, the Louisiana National Guard will be conducting a vaccine clinic on October 19th 和20th, along with representatives for the Shot for $100 program that Governor Edwards recently expanded to all individuals.  可靠的网赌平台健康中心也提供测试. 请访问 http://systematicness.yogangel.com/coronavirus 我们的COVID协议.  请通过审查和遵守我们的协议来帮助我们维护校园安全.

在你们即将结束秋季下半学期的时候,我祝你们一切顺利.  继续努力学习,强势完成学期. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与我联系.


安全 & 风险经理


08.02.21 -新的COVID安全协议立即生效


致:可靠的网赌平台学生,教师 & 工作人员

Re: New COVID安全协议立即生效


留住我们的学生, faculty and staff safe has been and will continue to be our top priority; therefore, we must adjust our current operations protocol that allow us to better adapt to the recent spike in COVID cases across the state and region. 你们可能已经听说了, Governor Edwards today has reinstated an indoor mask mandate due to the current spread of COVID-19 in our state.  The recent numbers from the Louisiana Department of Health show both infections and hospitalizations continuing to rise at an alarming rate.  与爱德华兹州长最近宣布的一致,我们将立即开始 室内要求戴口罩, 接种疫苗和未接种疫苗的人, 当你无法保持6英尺的社交距离时.  这包括员工、学生和来我们校园的访客.  如果游客没有戴口罩,将提供纸质口罩.  我们鼓励每个人都准备好自己的口罩, 但如果你需要另一个可靠的网赌平台布面具, 你可以向查德·高捷要一个, 可靠的网赌平台安全 & 风险经理(见下文联系方式).

The COVID-19 pandemic is ever-changing with daily information and updates continuously coming out from the governor’s office and the LSU System.  由于这种持续的不确定性, definitive guidelines about COVID-19 restrictions for the fall semester will not be finalized until we approach mid-August….因此,请继续查看有关更新和新的安全指南的电子邮件.

我们继续 encourage everyone in our community to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible. 此时此刻, approximately 90% of COVID-19 related hospitalizations in Louisiana are in unvaccinated individuals, 所以很明显,对病毒最好的保护是接种疫苗.  Very soon we will be announcing and rolling out an 可靠的网赌平台 vaccine incentive program that will be made available for all 可靠的网赌平台 students, 已接种疫苗的教职员工.  If you are interested in receiving the vaccine so you can become eligible for the incentive program, please visit the 可靠的网赌平台 Health Center in Coughlin Hall or contact them at 427-0110 to inquire about scheduling and availability for the vaccine.

Thanks for your continued resilience and flexibility as we continue to do what it takes to keep everyone safe.  不要犹豫,发短信联系我, 如果您有任何问题或只是想访问,请发送电子邮件或办公室访问.  我继续保持开放的政策,欢迎随时来访. You can also contact Chad Gauthier for specific question regarding COVID-19 protocol or to report any exposures, 阳性病例和隔离要求.  他的邮箱是 cgauthier@yogangel.com办公电话318-473-6489,手机号码318-290-4965.





07.30.21 - VaxThatA视频


我们最优先考虑的是校园的健康和安全. 我们鼓励您在可靠的网赌平台健康中心停下来接种疫苗. Please see the video below and if you have any questions you may contact the 可靠的网赌平台 Health Center at 318-427-0110.  




01.04.22 -春季2022学期的新COVID协议


We want to again thank our campus community for the resiliency that each of you have shown during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Keeping everyone safe will continue to be our highest priority as we approach this new year. 我们期待着校园春季学期的开始, 我们想通知您,我们目前的COVID-19协议发生了几项变化, 主要是由于最近整个州和地区的COVID病例激增.  

Recent reports from the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) show both infections and hospitalizations continuing to rise at an alarming rate, 主要是由于欧米克隆变异.  正因为如此, 我们将立即开始(2022年1月5日星期三生效) 室内要求戴口罩, 接种疫苗和未接种疫苗的人, 当你无法保持6英尺的社交距离时.  这包括员工、学生和来我们校园的访客.  我们鼓励每个人都准备好自己的口罩, but some will be made available at entrances to buildings for individuals if they arrive without a mask.  

除了对口罩的要求也恢复了, 如果你出现任何类似新冠病毒的症状, we ask that you get tested as soon as possible and delay coming to campus until you have received a negative test.  位于Coughlin Hall的可靠的网赌平台健康中心提供免费测试.  Any changes made to our protocol 在校园 will be posted on the 可靠的网赌平台 Coronavirus website at: http://systematicness.yogangel.com/coronavirus

我们继续 强烈鼓励我们社区的每个人接种COVID-19疫苗 如果你还没有这样做, 如果你符合条件,就会得到提升, 最好是在返回校园之前. 此时此刻, over 75% of COVID-19 related hospitalizations in Louisiana continue to be unvaccinated individuals, so clearly the best protection to help reduce the impact of COVID-19 on our community remains vaccination.  如果你有兴趣在校园接种疫苗或加强剂, please visit the 可靠的网赌平台 Health Center or contact them at 427-0110 to inquire about scheduling and availability. 另外, all employees and students are asked to continue to upload proof of vaccination or other relevant documentation in your my可靠的网赌平台 所需的门户.  

Thanks for your continued flexibility and cooperation as we continue to do what it takes to keep all members of our campus as safe as possible.  不要犹豫,发短信联系我, 如果您有任何问题或只是想访问,请发送电子邮件或办公室访问.  我继续保持开放的政策,欢迎随时来访. You can also contact Chad Gauthier for specific question regarding COVID-19 protocol or to report any exposures, COVID阳性病例和/或明确隔离要求.  他的邮箱是 cgauthier@yogangel.com办公电话318-473-6489,手机号码318-290-4965.  





02.11.22 -更新掩码要求


Due to the decreasing COVID cases statewide and here locally within our campus community, effective 2月14日星期一在美国,在校园的大部分地区,你将不再需要戴口罩.  然而, 此时此刻, individual faculty will have the discretion on whether masks continue to be required in classrooms or auditoriums where they teach.  换句话说, 如果教授或讲师要求学生在某堂课上戴口罩, 然后,口罩要求将适用于这些地点和情况.  另外, faculty and staff can also require masks in their individual offices if that is their preference. 最后, masks may also be required for certain on-campus events as well; however, 这些活动将事先通知.  

Even though masks are no longer required across the entire campus they are still strongly encouraged in places where social distancing cannot be maintained.  Data shows that the N95 and KN95 masks seem to provide the best protection against the virus.  感谢您帮助我们继续提供一个安全的校园学习环境.

Please remember that COVID-19 continues to remain a threat to everyone; therefore, we ask that you continue to exercise caution concerning transmission; practice proper handwashing, 尽可能保持社交距离, 并通过你在校园里的行为继续表现出谨慎和良好的判断力. 



安全 & 风险经理




