CORE 3001: Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship


QRCode for Fall 2024 CORE 3001 Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship Course



UTA flyer Spr 2022  

How to apply to be a UTA

In order to become a UTA follow the following steps!

  1. Reach out to a faculty member you would like to work with. Please note, you must have taken that particular class with that professor and passed the class with a B or higher.
  2. Have the faculty member write you a letter of intent. This should be a simple statement from the faculty member indicating they have agreed to have you as their UTA for the designated term and course.
  3. If the faculty is open to the idea of having a UTA for that course complete the application linked above.
  4. Applications will be reviewed and selected students will be notified. 

What is an Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship?

An undergraduate teaching assistant (UTA), is an upper-level student, either a sophomore, junior, or senior, who helps a college professor with a specific class for a semester.

Prerequisite: Students must apply for the course and must have completed with a grade of “B” or higher the course for which they wish to serve as a UTA.

Course Description: Provides motivated students with an opportunity to acquire experience in hands-on teaching and course development through a partnership with a faculty member. Students are expected to meet once a week with the course instructor and to attend all the classes for the course in which they are the assigned UTA. Offered as needed.

What does a UTA do?

As part of the CORE 3001 student must attend a training orientation meeting prior to the start of the semester, complete a mid-semester evaluation form and attend a final course evaluation and reflection. 

UTAs have a wide variety of responsibilities, but it really depends on the professor they are a TA for.

Duties may include: 

  • Attending the class the professor is instructing on a regular basis
  • Helping lead class group discussions or in class activities
  • Tutoring students outside of class
  • Holding study sessions with students prior to a quiz or test
  • Delivering short lectures under the advisement of your professor (each student should give two lectures during the course of the semester)
  • Helping the professor prepare for class


Please note: UTAs are not able to grade assignments but might assist with other types of student feedback.


Benefits to being a UTA

  • Improve professional communication and presentation skills 
  • Improve leadership skills
  • Improve time management skills
  • Increase knowledge of course development
  • Increase in knowledge and understanding of topics in your major or future career field
  • Establish a relationship with a professor/mentor who can help you when applying to graduate school or jobs after college
  • Earn upper level course credit (CORE 3001)





UTA Program Coordinator

Taylor Greenhouse
Taylor Greenhouse
Instructor of English - UTA Coordinator
English, History, & Humanities
Mulder Hall - 368